Saturday, September 03, 2005


So here I am… in Crazy-ass New Jersey. I swear to god New Jersey is like a different country. It’s like a twisted subculture the likes of which gods not seen. And my Aunts house is the zeitgeist. Ground Zero. New Jersey-ites are the strangest people on earth (think Sopranos except more white trash) … It’s all a bit much.

I think I thought- “oh I’m going back to the states- I’m going home.”


Holy fucking shit.

But all that being said, I’m having a pretty good time. It’s fun to be here in the land of the insane. My cousin is getting married in a few hours, and I am performing the ceremony.

I guess I’m ready. I mean, I’m kinda nervous- it’s a pretty big wedding, and it’s my entire family on my moms side. Yikes.

Remember Sixteen Candles? The house the morning of the wedding- that’s us, literally. There are 9 of us at my aunts house, sharing one bathroom, 6 cars, 2 cats, 2 dogs and several hangovers… It’s ridiculous. My uncle smoking ciggarettes and making bacon, Carter and TJ building a sculpture out of lawn furniture wasted at 4 in the morning...( they actually TP'd the backyard) it's beyond beyond.

Meanwhile- New Orleans is underwater, families are displaced, people are being raped, shit is being looted, water moccasins are rocking out with floating coffins- the levee is down and the end of the world is upon us…. And there’s Bush, looking like an asshole and thinking about golf and oil. What a dick.


I gotta go- I have a wedding to perform. Andiamo.

1 comment:

Chase Carter said...

I'm not really sure how to respond.

I agree that Americans are whiners, and even at times so very stupid. I am repeatedly embarrassed by the Bush administration and the government’s lack of humanitarian awareness. What’s happening in New Orleans is overwhelmingly tragic, by anyone’s standards.

That being said. I refuse to feel guilty for living my life and being so very blessed. I consider myself to be lucky in an unparalleled way. I can’t and won’t be ashamed of that.

Incidentally, the Red Cross isn’t taking single female volunteers at this time (I did actually make a phone call). My apologies if I offended, but fuck you very much.