Thursday, February 23, 2006


So I am at work. Unnecessarily so. I could leave. I don’t have anything left to do. But I am trying to impress this new fancy pants production designer I am working with, and to show her my tough as nails work my ass off attitude, so I am staying late and putting on a show….

When in fact I am emailing and writing my blog over a sausage sandwich.

I haven’t had to prove myself at work in a long long time. Seems like I’ve been doing this shit for so long, and it always came so easy to me I never had to push- I was just naturally good.

And it’s not that I’m not good now- I just have to pretend to be better right now… (God, does that even make sense?)

There’s just some extenuating pressure on this job, and I have to say I totally dig it…. I like it when it’s hard.

And it’s working. She just told me she wants me on every job with her. Which would be pretty fucking cool, because she’s probably the most talented high profile designer I’ve ever worked with, and she works all the time, all over the world…

But whatever. Cuz right now it’s 7:46pm and I haven’t done shit for like 3 hours… I’m just chilling, getting dinner and keeping her company. But sometimes, that’s the job description.

In other news. I guess I have a boyfriend. I don’t know quite how it happened, but I am seeing a guy and it’s getting kinda serious and I like him a lot. It’s weird.

Strange how it all happens when you least expect it to. I swore I was coming to LA for 3 months- make cash in and out. And well, I kinda wanna stay right now. I am really enjoying my life right now. I feel happy and healthy and it just all feels good.

And once again, I find myself Happy. Right where I am. What a gift.

Oh and PS- my friend called me to say that he bought his black razor phone because they played “back in black” on the commercial… guess I’m not alone after all. Fucking advertising. Anyone who makes commercials should die. I mean, uh… ahem...woops.


Anonymous said...

huh-huh... you like when it's hard.

Chase Carter said...

Oh anonymous, I would tell you it's an old dumb joke, and it's creepy to leave anonymous comments especially of the childness/ dirty nature.

But it made me laugh, so, bring it.

and yes, I do prefer "it" to be hard.

Anonymous said...

happy where you are is the best place to be! you need to go into more details on the "boyfriend"