Wednesday, June 22, 2005


So I am leaving LA in a few days and I am starting to have all the requisite pangs of sadness and shit. It’s definitely easier on round two-I mean, this time I know where I am heading to and what to expect. I already have an apartment and a vespa, and a job, So it’s a lot less stressful this time. I thought I might not be sad at all- but, as it turns out, I am a little bit.

There so many pros and cons of each of these cities that I live in… and I do feel like I live in both. BOTH feel like home… can’t help it. I mean, for fuck sakes the weather in LA. Holy shit- IT REALLY IS BLISS. Right now it’s like 95 degrees and humid as hell in Rome and its 75 and breezy in LA. I mean, its ABSOLUTELY FUCKING GORGEOUS here…fuck man. While the rest of the world melts or freezes, LA shines on, delicious and lovely as ever. It gives you a feeling that you are somehow better than the rest of the world… like we get something right here.

Course I have that feeling in Rome too. Like we get something the rest of the world doesn’t. Because the food is better there, and the art is better and the sun somehow shines brighter there. I mean, don’t get me wrong, when I drove to work at 6am this morning Downtown LA was really beautiful all lit up by the sunrise.

There really is no difference in the WAY the light hits the buildings, it’s just that the building are so much fucking cooler in Rome.

But you know, LA has things like Sav-on all night pharmacy, and my dentist, and movies round the clock in ENGLISH, but Rome has Luigi my vespa, and people don’t talk about dieting all day. LA has my family and my friends, Rome is filled with strangers and people who don’t like Americans. LA is filled with Actors and aspiring filmmakers who only talk about themselves..

LA is filled with this group of people who are still spinning out the same party having the same conversation… the only thing different is their outfits. And even those are pretty interchangeable. I don’t have any REAL friends in Rome. All my friends are in LA (and NYC… ok, shit and Aspen…) And while all those people in LA are artists, they all feel so UNINSPIRED.

And I finally feel inspired in Rome.

But I don’t know by what.

Having time to be back and get a little perspective on my time in Rome. I have no idea what I am doing there. But I guess that’s fair- it has only been a few months. It’s not like I had it all figures out 5 months into LA. Or did I?

Come to think of it- 5 months into LA I had a car, and apartment, a job, a boyfriend, a cat ,a and a film. Kinda DID have it all figured out. But I was 21 and so ambitious and unjaded by life… now it’s like- fuck man- 29 and over it all.


The only thing I know. I mean really know- is that I have my two cats.
And THEY are my home. And right now they are in Rome. And so, that is where I’m headed.

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