Thursday, May 12, 2005


There are a few things that, admittedly I don’t like to live without. Cigarettes come to mind, (been smoking way longer than I care to think about). Chocolate, (I gave it up for lent… come on…). Alcohol (addiction is an ugly word), and finally The OC.

The OC is that terrible TV show that is running rampant thru the neilson ratings in the US. AND I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT IT. My brother, (god bless him) has been taping the shows for me ever since I left the states. And my mother (god bless her) has been sending them to me. The two of them should be sainted for keeping me in my junkie state.

It’s pretty pathetic, I know. Carter (brother) tapes them on to mini DV tapes and mom ships them over here, where I, hook my DV camera up to my computer and watch them in imovie. It doesn’t even fill the whole screen…. And yet, every couple of weeks when a new batch of tapes arrive, I sit down with a glass of wine, a pack of smokes, a bunch of chocolate, AND I INDULGE.

Oh man, it’s really the greatest fucking thing in the world. Sincerely. Now, initially, in my first month here I got real freaked out watching the commercials. The show didn’t bother me, to the contrary, the show was like my fix.. couldn’t get enough. But the ads haunted me… like they were from a world I just wanted to be away from. Advertisements, work, the debasement of the soul. You know, all things American. It freaked me out to see upcoming shows on Fox, that I would never watch, news clips of the Michael Jackson case… old movie trailers. (realize, I am getting these tapes several weeks after they have aired).

I got this weird spooky feeling of being at home, watching those tapes. Like for a few hours I was back at home, on my couch, eating Chinese take out with Damaris, and I wasn’t a foreigner. Like everything out my front door was normal, understood, familiar. But then, the shows would end, and I would think- holy shit, I’M STILL IN ITALY. Weird.

Maybe I’m getting used to it, maybe I don’t feel like such a foreigner anymore, maybe it’s because I am going home in 2 weeks. But I just watched three blissful hours of the OC, and that feeling is gone.

I’m no longer haunted by the “Big Ford Tough” commercials. I have found a new appreciation for them. As if now, after only 3 and a half months, I am detached enough… like maybe I am starting to appreciate the states again.

Or maybe I’m just not homesick anymore, and I can see it all for what it is and enjoy it.

But when the show starts and that fucking California song comes on… I swear my heart soars. I FUCKING LOVE IT.

And I know the show is fucking garbage. A lot like cigarettes, and booze, and lets face it chocolate. But I don’t give a rat’s ass. I fucking live for it.

God bless it. (that one was for you anonymous).

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