Tuesday, March 08, 2005


Wow- what a weekend.

There is so much to tell…It’s almost impossible to tell all- must surmise.

-The girl I sat next to on the airplane flying from Philadelphia to Rome- who was awesome- came to visit me this weekend. Don’t know her from Adam- sometimes instinct is right. She is a wonderful woman- smart, interesting amazing. She is 26 and a doctor doing work in Palermo, Sicily- went to Brown and RISD. Good person. Good conversation. Good time. Had a blast with her- REALLY FUN.

-Got taken into a home on Sunday morning and made breakfast for. Andre Ankenbrandt from CRMS told me I HAD to look this woman up- finally after a month we got together. She made the most extravagant brunch- and the three of us (Sandy- girl from plane came with) had THE MOST wonderful time. Talking, sharing ideas…really lovely. Adored her. So kind, smart, successful… cat owner, great.

-Italian Drag queens in a gay dance club. Unbelievable…. Beyond Rangoon.

- Walking in Rome. Finally warm this weekend- so I parked the Vespa for the weekend and explored by foot- so different. Legs are sore I walked so much. Love Rome on foot. LOVE IT.

-My new friend from Germany- Oliver. SO SO SMART. Adorable, sweet, kind, dear. Leaving in 3 weeks- fuck. I like having a new friend… especially one who has something to say. Not all the people I have met here are rocket scientists… many of them ex-pats who have run away from their life to be in a bubble… Oliver is different. I like talking with him- he has a brain, he makes me use mine. (However- sorry ladies, he’s gay)

-Things going SO WELL with boy- settling into being a girlfriend- it’s actually kind of fun. I had forgotten.

-Haven’t worked in a month. Don’t miss work- miss money. Finally used my coordinating skills and made a budget for myself. MUST FIND JOB. Financial stress- turning into tangible fear. Shit. Why couldn’t I have been born a Trump?

-ITALIAN CLASS ITALIAN CLASS ITALIAN CLASS. Love my teachers, love going to school, love to learn, love to FINALLY be able to speak (even if it’s only a little- right now) learning so much with each day- exhilarating. Happiness is talking to people in Italian.

-Found good cat food, found good kitty litter. Happy cats = happy chase.

-Discovering new jewels and gems around every corner. “The discovery of Rome is like the discovery of sex. Magnificent” -L Jenkins. Truer words never spoken.

-The first time I came to Rome I ate in the best meal of my life. Never forgot it. Last Friday I decided to spend the afternoon searching for it. Found it!!!!!!! Went on Saturday night. Memory served. Unbelievable. Cheap, exquisite. My favorite restaurant ever. Wow.

-Dad had a birthday. Missed it. Felt strange. Made a video for him- if you want to download it you can by going here. It’s me in my house… goofy, but whatever.

-Social life booming. Many new friends, many things to do, places to go, people to see. Travel makes us more open by nature. I am as wide open as I have ever been. Wonderful. But I do miss my “real friends”… like people here- ache for my lifers.

-All in all doing well- very well. Love this city, love myself here. Lov-in-ah.

- Happiness is a warm gun…. Or at least a warm bowl of Rome.


Matthew Robinson said...

Love your video. Love your apartment. Love you. You rule.

Anonymous said...

Hi Chase...my birthday was March 23rd also! Great to see and hear how everything is going for you. I will direct Mark to your blog (he just bought a new power mac and is becoming coputer literate). Sorry about the Pope!