Thursday, March 17, 2005


so- I don't have time for a proper entry- Max is at a bar waiting for me- but the computer was free at school- so here I am.

I'm fucking knackered. It's week three in school and the serious fucking difficulties and complexities of the Italian Language are rearing their ugly fucking head. It's really hard, and totally brutal. Still I persist.

Max is the fucking shit- it's so fun having him hear- but that fucking guy eats three solid squares a day and I usually eat one- I feel like I'm gonna pop. But the food has been SO GOOD and the beers have been full, frothy, and often forthcoming.

Needless to say- I'm tired and could use a nap. But it's St Pattys day- and when your friends with a bunch of Irish...That's kinda a big deal.


Time to shine it on people. This is no hour for the meek. Stay strong, stay the course and for gods sakes hold me closer Tiny Dancer- hold me closer.

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