Thursday, March 10, 2005


So I have news.... first thing is that I rented my spare room in my apt as of April 1st for a month- and it might be longer but we thought we'd start with a month in case she bugs... She, is 27, from Australia- worked as a publisist for a Aussie TV station in Sydney- decided to say fuck it- and moved to Bolonga 6 months ago... she just moved to Rome...and for better or worse will be my roomate as of april fools day. Good lord. I am really happy- she is super cool, and it relieves some of the pressure to know there is going to be help with the rent....

The other news is: I had my first full blown converstaion with an Italian man today. It was mind boggleingly awesome. I think I am still glowing from it. I was TOTALLY speaking Italian. When I told him I had only been in school for 2 weeks- he said, no you mean two months... and I was like, no- two WEEKS. He was impressed. I, was, endlessly pleased with myself.

And so- I am feeling very fancy pants right now- so I am going to get myself a big cocktail and continue to think I'm the shit...(at least for a little while longer yet...)

One more thing... having a little crash on my vespa has made me a much better driver, far more cautious, but also somehow more confident.... it's as if I've taken a blow and now the street and I are somehow simpatico... I don't know.

Oh shit and one more thing!! Mimi and Santiago you big fucking gaggle of awesomeness!!! I got a fucking postcard with a piture of ma-mees on it today. I CANNOT EXPLAIN the sheer joy I felt to one, recieve mail, and two, to have it be a personal letter- card whatever. So a public WHAT UP YOU FUCKING mameems and mymans. Well done- I love REAL mail. ahhh. (just for the record I got a package from the fams this week... but that came to the store, and not to the mailbox...this was my 1st piece of mail IN the mailbox..... it was huge...)


god, I'm so fucking perky. Jesus.

love to you all.


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