Monday, July 18, 2005


Fucking real life.

Woke up to a total Monday Morning. Seems like if you live somewhere long enough reality is bound to catch up with you.

First of all my refrigerator crapped out. Just fucking died. Spoiling all of my food, and dripping water from the ice box all over the floor. Arg. That (related or not, I have no idea) may or may have not inspired a large group of Italian Ants from the wall by the front door to decide to migrate over to the cat food. I have never seen an ant in this apartment before… but this morning there were tons. But I remembered having seen ant spray under the sink (never a good sign)- and in fact it was there. So I sprayed the little fuckers source hole from here to kingdom come… and we’ll see if I can’t hold ‘em at the gate as it were… For now- all cat food is in a bowl of water. And I would say no food left out, but being that my fridge doesn’t work… “out” is sort a relative term this morning.

Fucking a. And it’s only 9:15.

Shit. The only thing on my side is that I am suppose to meet my landlord today to pay the rent. Looks like I’m not paying till I get a new refrigerator… ha.

Will keep you posted.

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