Sunday, July 03, 2005


So now I am in Rome, it's so awesome to be back, really chill, easy, wild really. Like I just fit right back in. Max is here now, and I think that is gonna be amazing. It’s just so nice to have an old old friend around- and for GOOD! Ha. So awesome. He brought so many DVD’s with him- it’s truly thrilling. We are getting him a bike this week, and gonna get him a temp apt (he is in a hotel right now)… but he is gonna be traveling around a bit, so we probably won't get a place together until September. Which is perfect, because there will be a lot more available then, and that is when my lease is up anyway. So I am thrilled.

Everything just feels as it should right now. What s feeling. I can’t tell you.

Speaking of Max, he surprised me with what he is calling "a belated birthday present"- he is taking me to Venice and Sardinia for 5 days in July. We are meeting his mom and sister (Claire) in Venice for some big Art show thing, and then we are going (maybe) to stay at our friend Melanie's place in Sardinia for the weekend.

I'm sorry- HOW FUCKING CRAZY IS THAT???? When did I become a jet setter? I am totally excited. I can't fucking WAIT to go to Venice. It's gonna rock.

So right after that I will come back and start my second round of Italian classes. Which is a good thing, because I can’t remember jack shit for Italian. I ran into my friend Massimo last night, who I only speak Italian with… and it was brutal, he was like- WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU? I just couldn’t talk… it took so much brain power, but then, even after just a few minutes talking to him, I was better after that- I just haven’t THOUGHT about Italian in so long. Bahhhh.

It's hot like a mother fucker here. Really hot. Like- can't be out in the day around 1-2pm. I am going out to buy a fan today, as the AC in apartment in fact- does not work. Shit. It stays pretty cool in my apartment- but not cool enough you know?

The cats were fine in my absence it seems. They seem just dandy. When it's really hot they just both lye completely sprawled on the floor cuz it is kinda cool. I have to fashion some kind of cooling bed apparatus for them... ever heard of anything like that? Like a heating pad but cold? I carried home about 20 lbs of cat food for them, and holy shit was it worth it- they were so happy to eat it, it was cute. Gobble gobble. Love those little fuckers.

I had an interesting insight about my friends when I got back. I felt for a while before I left that I wasn't so sure how much I trusted all my new friends, and I think I felt somehow suspicious of them and them of me... in a way that I couldn't put my finger on...

but when I got back everyone was so genuinely happy to see me, and my phone starting ringing "I heard your back!!! I missed you" and what I realized was this: This little transient ex-pat community is in fact, just that. Transient. And people come and go so quickly and easily- the people here have become so hardened, because it sucks to become friends with someone and then they leave 6 months later. It's like- hi, how long are you here for? 2 months, fuck off then, can't be bothered. And I think when I came back it was like, Chase, she DOES live here, we can count on here, we can become her friend... you know? I just hadn't though of it like that before. Which made me feel better. Because I thought it was about me for a while. And now I realize it's nothing to do with me personally. It was interesting. And I already feel closer with a few of them. I also decided that the people that I'm not really friends with can go fuck themselves. I am not going to try anymore. Some of them like me, and some don't. I haven't a clue why I was trying so hard before. Maybe it's helps that Max is here, and I feel like- well I have a REAL friend here now, I don't NEED you, like I felt like I needed them before.

Anyway- it’s fucking great to be back. Start work on Monday- kinda excited to get back into- time to renegotiate, want to do a lot more there, really get to work, so hopefully that shit will work out.

I will, of course keep you posted.



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