Friday, July 15, 2005


Wow. What a couple of days.

Venice is absolutely breathtaking. I had only been there once before, and that was for about 10 hours, and at night… so this trip was a real treat.

We stayed in a one two three four FIVE star hotel. What a difference that 5th star makes. Our room was a suite and it was really fucking nice. Big ol tub, and a view over the Grande Canal, a balcony… holy mother of god. Let me put it this way, Elton John was staying at our hotel the same time as us…. Capice?

So we indulged in the fanciness of the hotel, and we ate one two three four twelve amazing meals. I mean, course after course of just amazing ridiculous you can’t imagine delicious.

And then we went and looked at art. The whole reason for the trip was to see the biennale. Which is a exhibition of art from all over the world. It happens every two years and it is up from June to November. There are museums all over the city that participate, so to really see it all would take days… but we saw the two large museums, and a few small ones. And then on Friday, Max and Gracy left at noon, and being that I didn’t fly out until 4ish- I stayed in the city and cruised around alone, and saw a few more shows.

Highlights include a chandelier made of tampons (picture coming), an amazing Australian artist named Ricky Swallow, and the Lucian Freud retrospective.

It’s been a long time since I was so decadent and indulged, good food, good art, and great company.

It was a real treat.

It was really nice to see Gracy and Max and Clair and Pam… but I have to say the real highlight of the trip was Friday morning zipping around alone. And that really has nothing to do with them, but just reinforces my suspicions that I am just far better off alone. It made me ponder just how much time I spend alone in general… it’s really pretty incredible.

Some people are just built to share their lives with another person, take my parents for example: the have been married for over 35 years, they work together, they spend their days off together, they take trips together, and if that isn’t enough they even do their errands together. They are a TEAM. It’s so nice. I don’t think I could ever do that. I just like to say later, and take the fuck off alone. I go to sleep alone, wake up alone, eat alone, read alone, write alone, sing alone, dance alone, hell, sometimes I even drink alone. I just like to be by myself. Which is odd, because I am actually one of the most social people I know… humm.

Anyway, fucking hell, sorry, clearly not a complete thought… perhaps I should think things thru before writing…

Anyhow, Venice was really marvelous. I will post pictures in the next day or two...

Wouldn’t have gone without the kindness of Gracy and Max. So a public thank you to my very generous friends…

It was a blast.

Oh and by the way, I am not going to Sardinia the weekend… didn't have anyone to watch the cats. So I came home. Got to be a responsible mommy!


Megan Hill said...

i hear ya on the thoughts about being alone. i think i must fall into that category as well. love my solitude, but at the same time am super social. it's all about the balance. but at the end of the day, i really cannot visualize being in one of those "teams." it's just not in my nature (i don't think).

Chase Carter said...

wow a comment. Amazing.... no one ever comments anymore- way to go mego...

Can you imagine walking thru some city with like 50 other people- all wearing matching t shirts, or scarves or something... and then sometimes they have headphones on so the tour guide can feed info directly into thier brain... terrifing really.

What a terrible way to travel. Solo baby- tote.