Thursday, September 09, 2004


I am getting very good at riding my vespa on these absurd roman streets. First of all there are no lines or lanes whatsoever- it’s all just kind of a free for all. And then all the streets are cobble stone and crazy bumpy and you flying along and bumping all over the place. Then of course all the streets are one way- so without a doubt the most direct route to any given place is assuredly the one way you will NOT be going. All these massive roundabouts and cars and scooters coming from EVERY direction…it’s FANTASTIC. And the rules…there a lot more like loose guide lines- scooters on the sidewalks- and going the wrong way down one way streets and no one cares about speed (unless you go too slow of course) and people just park anywhere they fancy.

It is... if I had my way- exactly how I would drive at home if they would allow it.

Now that I’ve done all the basics and seen all the major sights I am getting a little more courageous and learning the streets and traveling a bit further. Left the house without my map today in fact.

I might never come home.


Also- I suppose it’s pretty predictable… but I’ve found myself an Italian man. We have had a pretty intense two days- and tomorrow we are going to the beach. Unfortunately this area is censored to the blog. But know this-his name is Alejandro and he’s delicious

1 comment:

Megan Hill said...

awesome. i knew it. i was waiting...
that's great. and i'm totally jealous of course. your life rules. enjoy it!